Terms and conditions

The full amount for the course has to be paid before the course starts. If you live outside the European Union, you will have to pay the full amount, before you can apply for a Visa.

VISA – Countries outside the European Union
You will have to apply for a Visa to study at Ungdomshøjskolen ved Ribe. The visa application can be started no earlier than 3 months before the course starts – according to the rules of Danish Immigration Service.

We will start your Visa application when you have paid the full amount for the course as well as a Visa fee, to cover the Visa application fee that the school pays for you.

If you cancel your stay prematurely, the costs for your Visa application will not be refunded.

If you are denied a residence permit, the school will return the amount paid, except for the bank fee, administration fee and registration fee for Visa.

Residence permit – Counties within the European Union
As a residence of the European Union, you will have to apply for residence permit after arriving at Ungdomshøjskolen ved Ribe. To do this you will have to go to one of the SIRI Offices in Denmark. We will arrange this for you. The residence permit fee, charged together with the tuition fee, will cover the expenses related to this.

Study trip
We all go in a study trip each semester. This means that we travel and experience the world both in the autumn and in the spring. There is no extra payment for the study trip, as it is covered by the tuition fee.

If it is necessary to cancel  before the start of the course, the registration fee will not be refunded.

If you cancel less than a month before the start of the course, you will also be charged for 4 weeks of højskole.

If your stop prematurely
If you choose to stop the course prematurely, regardless the reason,  you will pay for the weeks you have attended plus 4 weeks of extra school fees. Cancellation is calculated from the week the room is delivered in a clean condition and the room key is returned to the højskole.

Folk high school is a committed community
It is important that we all function well together at the højskole. This means that everyone functions in the everyday life, attending the tasks and duties, that comes with living in a large household. This includes cleaning and kitchen duties.
In the same way, it is important that everyone follow the general guidelines of the højskole, concerning respectful behavior and staying quiet during nighttime as well as respecting the rules on smoking, alcohol and drugs. If we find that you cannot be part of the community in an independent, stabile and responsible way, we can choose to stop your stay. If you are signed out due to wrongful behavior, you will not get a refund for the rest of the course.

All students must ensure that they are insured adequately. Some subjects such as sports and outdoor life might require special insurances. The same might apply for the study trip. Please make sure, that your have the required insurances before attending the school.